214 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for calebandrew42


Mon 3rd Oct 21:40
Titans of Italy rated  Fair
I think my lack of enthusiasm for this board is more over the Titans concept than anything specific to this design.
#8 of 8
Mon 3rd Oct 21:37
Capitalism rated  Great
Wonderful transposition of an unrelated concept onto Risk.
#7 of 8
Wed 7th Sep 15:45
Castles rated  Superb
Great board with intriguing mechanics.
#6 of 8
Wed 7th Sep 15:44
Antastic! rated  Good
High potential for seemingly endless stalemates, but great with lots of people.
#5 of 8
Sat 21st May 10:46
Hordes of Africa rated  Superb
Limited attacks means less if you attack with everything, but great board. Plays well, looks good, and Africa's political boundaries are naturally well-suited to such a map.
#4 of 8
Thu 12th May 00:34
Koprulu Sector rated  Good
Great at what it is -- a break-neck turn-based real-time strategy game (wait what?). It's not exactly my style, but that's not the board's fault. Play aggressively, but don't get caught undefended.
#3 of 8
Tue 10th May 11:50
Infection rated  Superb
Map is pretty and interesting. Game is over faster than you expect, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. Great map.
#2 of 8
Tue 19th Apr 09:20
Axes and Allies rated  Perfect
Best board there is.
#1 of 8